Born in California, Aurora is a daughter of parents who immigrated to the United States from Jalisco, Mexico seeking a better life. She began learning English when she enrolled in first grade in Nevada and became bilingual in Spanish and English. Aurora is also the mother of three beautiful children—two of which have faced medical challenges including hearing impairment.
It is these intersecting identities and others that have refined Aurora into the woman she is today. Aurora is a woman who is a passionate advocate for children with disabilities and their parents who are native Spanish speakers. She is also a woman who seeks to serve others, especially those in the Hispanic community, as an Operations Specialist and the Spanish Interpreter at Clarity.
Uniquely suited for her position through her life experiences, Aurora enjoys supporting mothers through her work at Clarity. As a mother herself to children with disabilities, she relates on a personal level with families and when needed interprets for them in their native language of Spanish. She enjoys encouraging parents to remember their children’s blessings and strengths when faced with challenges.